7750 E McDowell Rd Scottsdale, AZ 85257
Parcel Number: 131-22-510
Property Address: 7750 East McDowell Road
County: Maricopa
City: Scottsdale
State: Arizona
Zip Code: 85257
School District: Scottsdale Unified School District
Square Feet of Living Space: 13,762 (neighborhood shopping center)
Square Feet of Living Space: 7,200 (neighborhood shopping center)
Square Feet of Living Space: 20,040 (neighborhood shopping center)
Square Feet of Living Space: 7,200 (neighborhood shopping center)
Square Feet of Living Space: 45,431 (supermarket)
Square Feet of Living Space: 7,200 (neighborhood shopping center)
Square Feet of Living Space: 5,040 (neighborhood shopping center)
Lot Square Footage: 436,449 (10.019 acre)
Construction Year: 1985
Subdivision Name: Fountain Plaza Shopping Center
Lot #: 1
Purchase Price: N/A
Purchase Month/Year: N/A
Source: Maricopa County Assessor
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